Notice for tuition fee’s revision from year 2024


We want to express our gratitude for the perpetual cooperation and support in the education and running of ARC Tokyo Japanese Language School.

ARC Tokyo Japanese Language School opened first in October 2017 and has now entered its 7th year. Since the opening of the school, the tuition fee has remained unchanged, but due to the recent general increases in prices in Japan, we had to review the tuition fee, starting from the next academic year (from April 1, 2024), as written below.

Students currently enrolled at school, and applicants who plan to enroll by January 2024, during this academic year (until March 2024) can pay the tuition fees as before the revision.

We will continue to make efforts to improve the quality of Japanese language education and improve our learning environment. We ask for your understanding in this matter and continue support.


Standard Study Abroad Course  (non taxable)


After revision(new fee)

Before revisionold price

Application Fee

30,000 JPY

30,000 JPY

Registration Fee

70,000 JPY

70,000 JPY

Tuition Fee1 year

768,000 JPY

720,000 JPY

First year total

868,000 JPY

820,000 JPY


University Preparation Course  (non taxable)


After revision(new fee)

Before revisionold price

Application Fee

30,000 JPY

30,000 JPY

Registration Fee

70,000 JPY

70,000 JPY

Tuition Fee1 year

796,000 JPY

760,000 JPY

First year total

896,000 JPY

860,000 JPY


Intensive Japanese Course  (Including Taxes)


After revision(new fee)

Before revisionold price

Registration Fee

10,000 JPY

10,000 JPY

Tuition Fee (3 months)

192,000 JPY

180,000 JPY


202,000 JPY

190,000 JPY