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Email address *
Course* —以下から選択してください—Study Abroad Course(Need a student visa)Intensive Japanese Course(No need a student visa) *About Study Abroad Course
*Intensive Japanese Course is designed for the people who are already holdering a residence card and staying Japan. Those staying in Japan short-term will be sent to ARC Academy Shinjuku School.
Please select class of your interest (If any) Business Japanese Class
Desired starting month —以下から選択してください—202520262027 —以下から選択してください—JanAprJulOct
Type of Visa* Apply for a visa through ARC (Study Abroad Course only)Already have a visa (Working visa, spouse visa, permanent residence visa, working holiday visa etc...)
Japanese learning Experience* No experienceBeginner (within 150 hours)Elementary (within 300 hours)Intermediate (within 600 hours)Advanced (over 600 hours)
JLPT:Passed N5N4N3N2N1
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