Japanese Language Misunderstanding – Self Introduction

Japanese Language Misunderstanding – Self Introduction

In this section, we’ll share our students’ compositions.

自己紹介で誤解されたこと *English follows Japanese.

グリン ジョシュア アンドリュー (ジョシュ) オーストラリア




  その彼氏が来て、みんな自己紹介をする時、誤解が起こりました。その彼氏は「はじめまして、タツヤです。よろしくおねがいします」と言いました。私は「はじめまして、ジョシュです。よろしくおねがいします」と言って、普通の自己紹介でうまくいったと考えました。しかし、10分後、車の中でタツヤさんが「あー、名前がジョシュですね、助手と思った! 荷物を持ったから、手伝う人の冗談を言ったと思った!」と言いました。みんなは少し笑って、私は「あーそうか、それは間違えやすいですね」と言いました。




Misunderstanding – Self Introduction

Joshua (Australia)

During the Obon break this year, my girlfriend and I travelled to Oita. We travelled to many places, and I also met her parents and some of her friends.

During this time, we went to dinner with two of her Japanese friends. After dinner we were discussing how everyone was going to get home, and Mari, my girlfriend’s friend, offered for her boyfriend to come pick us up and drive everyone home.

When Mari’s boyfriend arrived, we all did self introductions in Japanese. This is when the misunderstanding occurred.

Mari’s boyfriend introduced himself, “Nice to meet you, I’m Tatsuya”. Then I introduced myself in Japanese, “Nice to meet you, I’m Josh (ジョシュ)”. As far as self introductions go, I thought it was very normal.

However, ten minutes later in the car Tatsuya said, “Ahhh your name is Josh (ジョシュ). I thought you meant 助手・じょしゅ (assistant / helper). You were carrying the luggage, so I thought you made a joke about being an assistant!”

We all laughed and I said it’s a very easy mistake to make.

I thought the misunderstanding was quite funny and I might even use the assistant joke when introducing myself in the future!